Everything you need to get the most out of the NHS
You have rights when making decisions and choices about your healthcare. This video tells you more...
(Rebecca) Everyone uses the NHS. It’s important to know what your rights are because you can’t fight for what you don’t know.
(Katie) It’s imperative that you have your rights listened to.
(Corey) You should always get your voice heard.
(Thines) No matter who you are, or what background, or what ethnicity, or what kind of disability or condition you have.
(Amy) Just because we are young people, doesn’t mean we have any difference in our rights.
(Kath) My name is Kath, and I’m a children’s nurse.
I know how incredibly important it is, for children and young people to have their voices heard.
It’s really important that children and young people are aware of the NHS Constitution. It puts down on paper what your rights are, the things that you can expect from the NHS.
(Rebecca) It feels different to know that you have rights in the NHS when you are actually accessing services.
(Amy) Oh, I can actually have a say!
(Thines) And it’s enshrined within my rights as a patient.
(Kath) As a young person, we can’t read your mind. It’s really important that we hear from you, what matters. It really does make a difference.
So press the button, take a look, and find out a bit more.